Victor Paimblanc Photographie
A propos
Victor Paimblanc est un musicien et photographe franco-suisse.
Il débute la musique très jeune par le violoncelle, avant de devenir guitariste.
En 2011 il commence à collaborer étroitement avec Alex Beaupain, en tournée, en studio, et sur la création de spectacles avec Clotilde Hesme, Clara Luciani, Fanny Ardant, etc.
Il accompagne aussi sur scène Peter Doherty, Frederic Lo, Françoise Fabian.
Photographe également depuis 20 ans, Victor travaille à la commande et développe un projet plus personnel, Noir salle, qui documente sa vie de musicien.
Victor Paimblanc is a Franco-Swiss musician and photographer.
He began his musical journey at a very young age with the cello before becoming a guitarist.
In 2011, he started collaborating closely with Alex Beaupain, working on tours, in the studio, and on creating performances with Clotilde Hesme, Clara Luciani, Fanny Ardant, and others.
He has also performed on stage alongside Peter Doherty, Frederic Lo, and Françoise Fabian.
A photographer for over 20 years, Victor takes on commissioned work and develops a more personal project, Noir Salle, which documents his life as a musician.